Thursday, August 2, 2007


I'm reading the book "Sophie's World" and it's really bring my mind back to what it was 2 years ago when I bought the book to begin with. I guess after my first semester at college, my scary Philosophy teacher really deterred me from returning to my personal study of the human existence.
I never really stopped questioning my existence, but I did allow myself to become too comfortable with a trivial day to day lifestyle. Work, eat, sleep...etc.
I don't want to be so comfortable anymore. I want to work on my mind, body and soul but it's so hard when things in life pull you back. Daily troubles and "Bad Luck" have been stopping me.
Maybe I'm just stopping myself for fear of failure. Stopping myself from what you might ask...well, from living my life happily. I haven't found my niche yet. I have many
interests but nothing I can really grasp onto. I have piles of unfinished projects and unwritten ideas that are cluttering my life. Maybe I should just start clean slate. Get rid of everything and start from scratch. I fear that I will forget something in the future...
Maybe it's a soulful fear. My soul has lost it's memories at some point so I fear losing them again. I'm like a scavenger, saving scraps of things that have happened, places I have been, people I have met. I don't know what to do with it all.
I don't even keep up with these blogs or Journals...

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