Socrates once said that people have knowledge within themselves. Teachers only make us remember these concepts. I believe this came from the "Meno" but I could be wrong. After finding out that I have lost my TAP grant, I've decided to become a Life Student and teach myself. If all these ideas are already within me, I can read and write to bring those ideas forward.
My first was collecting books for my History Of Philosophy course. Having done that, I realize that I need to take all the subjects into account if I want to find "My" philosophy. I've been downloading Ebooks like a maniac. I've also begun to sort through my school work from the last 8-9 years of my life. There is a lot of stuff to go through. I'm archiving it all as PDF's on my laptop.
It's exciting for me to become who I was. Over time I became very set in my daily routines. I stopped reading for a long time but Sophie has brought me back.
The ending of the book was a bittersweet experience for me. It totally blew my mind away by taking the "Big Bang" theory and really explaining it. I think schools fail to really teach us about the vastness of our universe. The theory goes that once upon a time, in a galaxy we are living in, every atom was a tightly compressed ball. The pressure got so strong that it exploded across our universe, creating collisions, stars, dwarfs, plants, moons and stars. I always thought the Big Bang referred to the creation of Earth itself but it is so much more.
This explosion that happened millions of years ago is still not over. Everything in our universe is still in the process of traveling because of the lack of gravity, however, the galaxy's with gravitational pull are fighting against this force and trying to pull things together. This means that the universe will continue to expand forever or one day come together again and explode.
A very scary thought.
to be continued...
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