Monday, August 20, 2007

I stare out the window blankly as Anime becomes me...

I can't help myself. I love anime. There are so many great anime's out there it kills me! So I spent the better part of my weekend playing Video games and watching Korean Drama's. Asian culture is attached to me.

It was awfully gray outside today. I woke up feeling like a deep sea crustacean. I felt wobbly and transparent. It was so bazaar! I read some more of my book. Right now I'm reading about the romanticists movement in Europe. The author compare them to hippies, so strange!

I started to think about my dreams today. I used to be fascinated by them and run to barnes and nobles to learn the Freudian meanings behind them. I even started to watch some old documentary about him. I want to go back to that. The film talked about human psychoanalysis and how Freud believed that humans suppress their carnal desires and instincts. We have these animal qualities that are dark and we feel the need to hide it but dreams resurface these innate emotions because we cannot control our dreams much. It also talked about how current advertising uses this idea to make us feel like we need to buy certain products. I saw this on:
That link takes you to the site. They have different sections, above is the documentary section. I wanted to watch more but my boyfriend looked bored, so I put on some anime, ^_^.

In the post before my last, I touched on some ideas. i want to explore them further in my next blog. I'll also update you on my re-visit into the dream realm. I have a notebook ready to go. I'll start to write them down like I did so long ago. Let's see what Freud can tell me about myself eh?

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