Saturday, September 24, 2011

The stigma against users.

I'm kind of tired of having to justify my love of web browsing to everyone. It's as if there's this stigma against users that I don't quite understand. The internet is a network made up of users from around the world, so many rely on it for various forms of communication & education.

Sure there are people out there who spend hours online (WOW jokes aside) but that's not me. I go to events, museums, shows, movies, crawls, cons, parks and so on. I visit friends & family. I read, write, play etc...

I sit in front of a computer terminal all day, what else am I supposed to do? I play some games, read articles, share interesting, sometimes strange, links, photo's & information.

Does that make me loser? Does that make me any less intelligent than someone whose never used a computer? Is there anyone living in NYC who hasn't had to use a computer? Anyone who hasn't spent some time online browsing for fun?

I doubt it.

Don't judge me.

Anyone who parades around claiming to have this superior  knowedge over all others is obviously insecure about their own intelligence.

Why shouldn't I be allowed to browse & laugh? Is that a crime?

"What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult." - Sigmund Freud

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Forever Uncertain

I often feel intimidated. I try to carry myself as someone who is confident but truthfully, I feel like an actor. I'm just playing the role of someone who hasn't got it all figured out just yet but who has ultimate goals. In someways I do but truthfully, I have no idea what I'm doing half the time. I make it up as I go along, a professional bullshitter.

If half-assing were a profitable skill, I'd be wealthy.

Sometimes, I look at the rows of books I rushed to purchase and wonder if I'll ever get through them all. I feel as if I'll forever be a novice. A pathetic version of an adult.

Oh female insecurity, you make me sick.

The more I read, the more I stop trusting my instincts. I'm trapped in this war against the female hormones wreaking havoc on my mind. I find myself second guessing everything & resisting the urge to act out my irrational spurts of anger.

At the same time, I contradict misogynistic tendencies & flip back & forth between a girl masquerading as a guy & a devoted feminist defending my sexuality.

"Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I need more posts before 2012

You know, in case the world does end, I want to leave something ins cyber space for the aliens to read.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Phone Apps = Better Connectivity

Now that I have a phone that's 100% operational, keeping up with these blogs & websites will be easier!