Thursday, November 3, 2011

Food for thought, gluttony at it's best.

Sometimes in life, you come across things that resonate with you in more ways than you can imagine. It could be a person, a song, a poem, anything. For me right now, it's a book I found at the Salvation Army Store for 99 cents called Man's Search For Himself by Rollo May, Ph.D.

*insert quote later*

Reading the stories expressed in this so far have awakened a part of me I let slip away, not completely but it's as if I silenced a tiny voice inside of me, calling out for change. A deep rooted desire for freedom and fear of living a monotomous life.

I can't allow myself to suffocate to death.

Every now and then, I think of this scene in the movie Ghost World:

"You know what my number one fantasy used to be?"
"I used to think about one day... Just not telling anyone and going off to some random place. And I'd just disappear & they'd never see me again. Do you ever think about stuff like that?"

I don't have the courage to ever pull a stunt like that.
It's an interesting idea none the less.
So many interesting thoughts moving through me...

"I'll take the road less traveled by"

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